Well I'm working on this app to send data between android and iOS and I got it to work between iOS devices with Apple's Multipeer Connectivity framework, but I am currently wondering how do you achieve it between both platforms? even if you are willing to write it from scratch.
How come Firechat is able to do it? As I remember, you can exchange data between both platforms with their app.
Edit: https://www.opengarden.com/meshkit.html It seems the MeshKit SDK used in Firechat is now available (for large organisations).
I am very interested in this subject as well and I came across these links
AllJoyn® is a collaborative open-source software framework that makes it easy for developers to write applications that can discover nearby devices, and communicate with each other directly regardless of brands, categories, transports, and OSes without the need of the cloud Source: https://github.com/alljoyn/alljoyn.github.com/wiki
OpenPeer SDK
Open Peer is an open P2P signalling protocol Source: http://openpeer.org/open-peer-sdk-for-ios/
Microsoft's Project Rome
"Project Rome" is a project code name for Microsoft's cross-device experiences platform using the Microsoft Graph. Source: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/launch-resume/communicate-with-a-remote-app-service