Convert (YUV_420_888) to Bitmap

mol picture mol · Feb 10, 2015 · Viewed 18.4k times · Source

I'm trying to implement camera preview image data processing using camera2 api as proposed here: Camera preview image data processing with Android L and Camera2 API.

I successfully receive callbacks using onImageAvailableListener, but for future processing I need to obtain bitmap from YUV_420_888 I searched for similar questions, but none of them helped.

Could you please suggest me how to convert (YUV_420_888) to Bitmap or maybe there's a better way of listening for preview frames?


Settembrini picture Settembrini · Mar 15, 2016

For a simpler solution see my implementation here:

Conversion YUV 420_888 to Bitmap (full code)

The function takes the media.image as input, and creates three RenderScript allocations based on the y-, u- and v-planes. It follows the YUV_420_888 logic as shown in this Wikipedia illustration.

enter image description here

However, here we have three separate image planes for the Y, U and V-channels, thus I take these as three byte[], i.e. U8 allocations. The y-allocation has size width * height bytes, while the u- and v-allocatons have size width * height/4 bytes each, reflecting the fact that each u-byte covers 4 pixels (ditto each v byte).