I have a question about Android's RecyclerView.State.
I am using a RecyclerView, how could I use and bind it with RecyclerView.State?
My purpose is to save the RecyclerView's scroll position.
Starting from recyclerview:1.2.0-alpha02
release StateRestorationPolicy
has been introduced. It could be a better approach to the given problem.
This topic has been covered on android developers medium article.
Also, @rubén-viguera shared more details in the answer below. https://stackoverflow.com/a/61609823/892500
If you are using LinearLayoutManager, it comes with pre-built save api linearLayoutManagerInstance.onSaveInstanceState() and restore api linearLayoutManagerInstance.onRestoreInstanceState(...)
With that, you can save the returned parcelable to your outState. e.g.,
outState.putParcelable("KeyForLayoutManagerState", linearLayoutManagerInstance.onSaveInstanceState());
, and restore restore position with the state you saved. e.g,
Parcelable state = savedInstanceState.getParcelable("KeyForLayoutManagerState");
To wrap all up, your final code will look something like
private static final String BUNDLE_RECYCLER_LAYOUT = "classname.recycler.layout";
* This is a method for Fragment.
* You can do the same in onCreate or onRestoreInstanceState
public void onViewStateRestored(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if(savedInstanceState != null)
Parcelable savedRecyclerLayoutState = savedInstanceState.getParcelable(BUNDLE_RECYCLER_LAYOUT);
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
outState.putParcelable(BUNDLE_RECYCLER_LAYOUT, recyclerView.getLayoutManager().onSaveInstanceState());
Edit: You can also use the same apis with the GridLayoutManager, as it is a subclass of LinearLayoutManager. Thanks @wegsehen for the suggestion.
Edit: Remember, if you are also loading data in a background thread, you will need to a call to onRestoreInstanceState within your onPostExecute/onLoadFinished method for the position to be restored upon orientation change, e.g.
protected void onPostExecute(ArrayList<Movie> movies) {
if (movies != null) {
} else {