Currently I send SMS by this command:
adb shell service call isms 6 s16 "phoneNumber" i32 0 i32 0 s16 "smsText"
in Android 2.3.6 and works perfectly.
Now I want to use the same command in Android 4.1.2 but when I send the command I received this output in Logcat
> 12-11 14:17:37.97 1626-2182/? D/PhoneRestrictionPolicy﹕ SmsRestrictionPolicy.canOutgoingSms >>>>
Anyone Can help me to remove this "SmsRestrictionPolicy" please?
Quoting this post:
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.SENDTO -d sms:CCXXXXXXXXXX --es sms_body "SMS BODY GOES HERE" --ez exit_on_sent true
adb shell input keyevent 22
adb shell input keyevent 66
Where CCXXXXXXXXXX is country-code followed by phone number. This may not work correctly on non-standard android installations, you will need to find the correct keyevent values to pass.
From comments on this post it appears that sending via service call isms
, as mentioned in the question, is not possible (though I would bet it is possible if your app is set as the default SMS app for the device).
One work-around to sending an SMS without user interaction would be to send the number and message to a server that sends SMS messages. There is likely already a third party tool for this. At quick glance, this may be useful.