Since Android 5.0 large icons in notifications have color background:
For small icon, it is the accent color of notification (Notification.Builder.setColor(int)
). How do I set it for large icon? Is it part of the actual image? If it is, what should the circle radius be?
Yes, the color of the large icon is part of the actual image. The dimensions of the large icon on lollipop are 40x40dp with a optical view filling the entire image. So you should create an asset of 40x40dp with a circle of a 20dp radius. You can set the notification's large icon as follows:
NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context)
.setContentText("Content text")
If you need the large icon to be from a drawable resource you can get a Bitmap
instance like this:
Bitmap notificationLargeIconBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(
If you want your notification to be displayed nicely with previous versions of android (kitkat and below), you should have a squared version of your large icon with a dimension of 64x64dp.