How to initialize Crashlytics in

Nidhi Shah picture Nidhi Shah · Oct 23, 2014 · Viewed 27.3k times · Source

Looking for some help. I just upgraded my android app to fabric and now the app gives an error on this line:


Gradle: error: cannot find symbol method start(Context)

I tried commenting out that line, but then the crashes are not getting logged. How do I initialize Crashlytics in the new fabric framework? Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Cipriani picture Cipriani · Oct 24, 2014

Since Crashlytics is now part of Fabric the initialization process has changed, but is still simple. Instead of using Crashlytics.start() you should now use, but in the Application creation:

public class App extends Application {


    public void onCreate() {
        Fabric.with(this, new Crashlytics());



For a more richer example, see how Cannonball canonical sample app is doing:

public class App extends Application {


    private TwitterAuthConfig authConfig;


    public void onCreate() {
        authConfig = new TwitterAuthConfig(BuildConfig.CONSUMER_KEY, BuildConfig.CONSUMER_SECRET);
        Fabric.with(this, new Crashlytics(), new Twitter(authConfig), new MoPub());



This code is available at: