Is there any way to retrieve the serial number (SSN) of an android device via a USB connection?

Nik picture Nik · Aug 14, 2014 · Viewed 14.8k times · Source

I have a Google Nexus 7 (2013) that's under warranty with a dead LCD screen. To get it replaced I need to provide Asus with the serial number (SSN) which is available in 3 places: - In the device's settings (accessed using LCD, which is dead) - On the Box (No room for those in a studio apartment) - Inside the back panel (but removing the panel will void the warranty)

I have my Nexus 7 connected to my PC and can communicate with it using ADT (Android Development Toolkit). Is there any way I can get the serial number using ADT or other software? I need the actual serial number (SSN) for the device and no the ADT device instance serial number.


wuseman picture wuseman · Nov 30, 2018

No grep command is needed, just use getprop :

adb shell getprop ro.serialno