google play services not available due to error 2

M.Mohsin picture M.Mohsin · Jun 10, 2014 · Viewed 9.5k times · Source

I have two activities in my app and i am showing google AdMob banner ad in these activities. First activity runs fine and it shows banner ad as well but whenever i start second activity it generate the force close error saying these lines randomly
"No resource found error"
"google play services not available due to error 2"
Required this "..." found this "..."
I have double checked the code, it is same in both of the activities but can't solve the problem.
Any Help will be appreciated.


Abdallah Alaraby picture Abdallah Alaraby · Nov 19, 2014

I encountered the same issue today and all I had to do is:

  1. Update Google Play Services on the device
  2. Open the Play Store at least once.
  3. Then I ran my app again and it worked.