How to load image from SD card using Picasso library

user3607798 picture user3607798 · Jun 7, 2014 · Viewed 20.6k times · Source

i need to load images from the Sd card into gridview. For efficiency i'm using Picasso Library

            .resize(96, 96).centerCrop().into(viewHolder.image);

I used the following code in the adapter. unfortunately m unable to see any images so please can any one help.

Note And also can anyone suggest any efficient image loading library to load the images from the sd card.

Requirement I dont to load the image every time when scrolling. If it is already loaded dont load the image on scrolling


Lena Bru picture Lena Bru · Jun 7, 2014

To load the file you need to convert it to a uri first

Uri uri = Uri.fromFile(new File(images.get(position).getDataPath()));

            .resize(96, 96).centerCrop().into(viewHolder.image);

Requirement I dont to load the image every time when scrolling. If it is already loaded dont load the image on scrolling

  • Picasso is excellent for this