Get direct Vimeo video url Android

Andrew F picture Andrew F · Apr 13, 2014 · Viewed 24.6k times · Source

I need to play Vimeo viodes in my app having only video id. For example 83342420. How can I get vimeo video url? Or is there any other way to play video in android?

I tried WebView solution but it doesn't suit. I also tried the urls like but I'm getting 404 Not found. Maybe I need some kind of api key or token?



Andrew F picture Andrew F · Apr 13, 2014

Ok. For getting direct url for Vimeo video just need to send GET Request to url:

old url -<video_id>/config
**UPD**: new url -<video_id>/config

In result you will get such response:

  "cdn_url": "",
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