How to Create Android Tabbed style with Page Swipe View

Person picture Person · Mar 8, 2014 · Viewed 56.6k times · Source

I want an example of tab like this

google play tab

I searched but just got this.


I couldn't use this source. Can someone tell me another example of tab with sliding option.
I think the viewpageindicator is not the same as google plays tabs.

cause when i'm scrolling in google plays page the line below tabs moves while scrolling, But in viewpageindicator it's not.

Thank you


Naruto picture Naruto · Nov 27, 2014

First you need to create an xml layout file with viewpager

Then inflate this layout in your main activity, make sure your activity implements Lets say, you want to have 4 tabs, then create

4 different fragments. Create a common adapter to facilitate these fragments based on the

tabs you select.

Here is the simple example with code snippet,

Note: above example works well with android support lib, which provides backward actionbar

compatibility for earlier version of android phones

Hope it helps.
