Android Debugging in MotoG

Prasad picture Prasad · Feb 18, 2014 · Viewed 11k times · Source

Bought the new Moto G XT1033 last week, phone's working fine but as a developer I am finding it difficult in Debug mode,Even after Enabling USB Debugging option in Developer options...

Error coming as necessary USB drivers not found ... Checked in Motorola site too, not available.

Didn't work in Both the Windows / Linux Platform

Suggest me where to find the necessary drivers and how to install the necessary driver for my MotoG XT1033, which enables me to work in Debug mode in Eclipse IDE.


The Tokenizer picture The Tokenizer · Mar 12, 2014

I found the Drivers

Here is the forum

Windows x64 Drivers

When you download it just delete the img extention and run it.