How to start Viber call from an Android app [new version]?

Nenad Bulatovic picture Nenad Bulatovic · Jan 27, 2014 · Viewed 8.7k times · Source

A while ago I created this post, and my colleague and I have found two different answers to it (both of them worked):

  1. First solution was to use

    Intent callIntent = new Intent("android.intent.action.CALL_PRIVILEGED");

    which would open new window offering for call to be made by all possible means for placing call - in this particular case, they were Dialer and Viber and Skype (or any other method added later).

  2. Second solution was to explicitly call Viber and place a phone number to be called as well

    Intent viberCallIntent = new Intent("com.viber.voip.action.CALL"); viberCallIntent.setType(""); viberCallIntent.setData(Uri.parse("tel:" + dialNumber)); viberCallIntent.putExtra("external_call", true); viberCallIntent.putExtra("contact_id", -1L); startActivity(viberCallIntent);

Since last Viber update (we noticed it yesterday), none of those methods work. First one just calls using Skype, not even offering Dialer (!?!), but if Skype is not installed then it will fall back to Dialer and place call. Second one crashes claiming that there is no Activity found to handle Intent?

Any idea what is happening and how could this be resolved ?

Error log is as follows:

01-27 17:35:03.794: E/AndroidRuntime(7738): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
01-27 17:35:03.794: E/AndroidRuntime(7738): android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent { act=com.viber.voip dat=tel:xxxxxxxxx (has extras) }
01-27 17:35:03.794: E/AndroidRuntime(7738):     at
01-27 17:35:03.794: E/AndroidRuntime(7738):     at
01-27 17:35:03.794: E/AndroidRuntime(7738):     at
01-27 17:35:03.794: E/AndroidRuntime(7738):     at
01-27 17:35:03.794: E/AndroidRuntime(7738):     at
01-27 17:35:03.794: E/AndroidRuntime(7738):     at
01-27 17:35:03.794: E/AndroidRuntime(7738):     at rs.limitline.maxitaxins.MainActivity.callViber(
01-27 17:35:03.794: E/AndroidRuntime(7738):     at rs.limitline.maxitaxins.MainActivity.onClick(
01-27 17:35:03.794: E/AndroidRuntime(7738):     at android.view.View.performClick(
01-27 17:35:03.794: E/AndroidRuntime(7738):     at android.view.View$
01-27 17:35:03.794: E/AndroidRuntime(7738):     at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
01-27 17:35:03.794: E/AndroidRuntime(7738):     at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
01-27 17:35:03.794: E/AndroidRuntime(7738):     at android.os.Looper.loop(
01-27 17:35:03.794: E/AndroidRuntime(7738):     at
01-27 17:35:03.794: E/AndroidRuntime(7738):     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
01-27 17:35:03.794: E/AndroidRuntime(7738):     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
01-27 17:35:03.794: E/AndroidRuntime(7738):     at$
01-27 17:35:03.794: E/AndroidRuntime(7738):     at
01-27 17:35:03.794: E/AndroidRuntime(7738):     at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

[UPDATE] This shows as error as well:

01-27 19:46:56.704: D/Greska(19822): Permission Denial: starting Intent { act=com.viber.voip.action.CALL dat=tel:xxxxxxxxx cmp=com.viber.voip/com.viber.service.OutgoingCallBroadcaster (has extras) } from ProcessRecord{416c41b8 19822:rs.limitline.maxitaxins/u0a10065} (pid=19822, uid=10065) not exported from uid 10147


dvpublic picture dvpublic · Mar 4, 2014

According to Viber's manifest, there is activity "" that is responsible for action "com.viber.voip.action.CALL". In new version of Viber ( this activity is marked by android:exported="false". As result, it's not possible anymore to start this activity from external applications...


This code opens welcome screen for specified contact

String sphone = "12345678";
Uri uri = Uri.parse("tel:" + Uri.encode(sphone)); 
Intent intent = new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW");
intent.setClassName("com.viber.voip", "com.viber.voip.WelcomeActivity");

but user should click button "free call" to start call.