I am trying to almost 2 days to add AndEngine to Android Studio but unable to do so. I tried the following two methods, neither worked.
1st Try I download the AndEngine code from GitHub Link -- this is NOT a Gradle Project
and tried to add it to my Android Studio build.gradle and settings.gradle, but i get this error, my screenshot: https://postimg.cc/image/5mcvpvsar/ (I think I am getting this error because AndEngine is not a gradle project - HOW TO MAKE IT A GRADLE PROJECT??)
2nd Try I have also tried adding the andengine.jar (file I just googled for) in /libs folder and do right-click --> "Add as Library" but still I cannot do "import org.andengine...." in my project files.
All tutorials available online are in Eclipse, I am using Android Studio.
I am not even able to start.
UPDATE: Yes, I gave up using Android Studio for AndEngine! Took me 15mins to do this in Eclipse, compared to the unsuccessful weekend (which i will never get back!) I spent on Android Studio
I use this techique: I set this in my settings.gradle
include 'andengine'
project(':andengine').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../relative/path/to/andengine')
that is in the root directory of the project (I think gradle has already created it for your main project).
In AndEngine use a build.gradle
like the following for the AndEngine project
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:0.7.+'
apply plugin: 'android-library'
android {
compileSdkVersion 17
buildToolsVersion "17.0.0"
sourceSets {
main {
manifest.srcFile 'AndroidManifest.xml'
java.srcDirs = ['src']
resources.srcDirs = ['src']
res.srcDirs = ['res']
assets.srcDirs = ['assets']
and add in the dependencies of your project
compile project(':andengine')
Maybe you have to close and reopen Android Studio, but normally for me this works.
BTW after have write the answer I see that someone has opened a pull request for a gradle build file.