What is the proper way to stop a service running as foreground

user1940676 picture user1940676 · Dec 31, 2013 · Viewed 40.9k times · Source

I am trying to stop a service which is running as foreground service.

The current issue is that when I call stopService() the notification still stays.

So in my solution I have added a receiver which I am registering to inside the onCreate()

Inside the onReceive() method I call stopforeground(true) and it hides the notification. And then stopself() to stop the service.

Inside the onDestroy() I unregistered the receiver.

Is there a more proper way to handle this? because stopService() simply doesn't work.

public void onDestroy(){


Ilya Gazman picture Ilya Gazman · Dec 31, 2013

From your activity call startService(intent) and pass it some data that will represent a key to stop the service.

From your service call stopForeground(true) and then stopSelf() right after it.