Sign APK without putting keystore info in build.gradle

Bobrovsky picture Bobrovsky · Dec 13, 2013 · Viewed 74.8k times · Source

I am trying to setup signing process so that keystore password and key password are not stored in the project's build.gradle file.

Currently I have the following in the build.gradle:

android {
    signingConfigs {
        release {
            storeFile file("my.keystore")
            storePassword "store_password"
            keyAlias "my_key_alias"
            keyPassword "key_password"

    buildTypes {
        release {
            signingConfig signingConfigs.release            

It works perfectly fine but I must not put the values for the storePassword, and keyPassword in my repository. I would prefer to not put storeFile and keyAlias there either.

Is there a way to alter the build.gradle so that it will obtain passwords from some external source (like a file that resides on my computer only)?

And of course, the altered build.gradle should be usable on any other computer (even if the computer doesn't have access to passwords).

I am using Android Studio and in Mac OS X Maverics if it does matter.


Scott Barta picture Scott Barta · Dec 13, 2013

The nice thing about Groovy is that you can freely mix Java code, and it's pretty easy to read in a key/value file using java.util.Properties. Perhaps there's an even easier way using idiomatic Groovy, but Java is still pretty simple.

Create a file (in this example, in the root directory of your project next to settings.gradle, though you can put it wherever you like:


Add this to your build.gradle:

allprojects {
    afterEvaluate { project ->
        def propsFile = rootProject.file('')
        def configName = 'release'

        if (propsFile.exists() && android.signingConfigs.hasProperty(configName)) {
            def props = new Properties()
            props.load(new FileInputStream(propsFile))
            android.signingConfigs[configName].storeFile = file(props['storeFile'])
            android.signingConfigs[configName].storePassword = props['storePassword']
            android.signingConfigs[configName].keyAlias = props['keyAlias']
            android.signingConfigs[configName].keyPassword = props['keyPassword']