Dynamically Add and Remove Fragments From FragmentPagerAdapter

dora picture dora · Nov 19, 2013 · Viewed 13.9k times · Source

I have a FragmentPagerAdapter for a viewPager Which initially has only one Fragment in it. I want to dynamically add a new Fragment to the adapter when user swipes from right to left, and dynamically remove a Fragment when user swipes from left to right.I have tried to use this library https://github.com/commonsguy/cwac-pager but in that library we have an option to add and remove fragments on button clicks. I have tried to add a OnPageChangeListener to the viewpager but the callback methods ( onPageScrolled and onPageScrollStateChanged) are being called more than once which results in addition of more than one fragment to the FragmentPagerAdapter. So please shed some light on how to do this.


Aditya picture Aditya · Nov 19, 2013

@dora: i think in your case FragmentStatePagerAdapter will help you. I have mentioned its use below as per my understanding.I hope it will help you in taking decision.

There are two ways to implement ViewPager: • FragmentStatePagerAdapter • FragmentPagerAdapter

FragmentStatePagerAdapter class consumes less memory, because it destroys fragments, as soon as they are not visible to user, keeping only saved state of that fragment

FragmentPagerAdapter: when there are less number of fragments. But using AndroidFragmentPagerAdapter for large number of fragments would result choppy and laggy UX.

Number of page hold by a viewPager? The number of items that any ViewPager will keep hold of is set by the setOffscreenPageLimit() method. The default value for the offscreen page limit is 3. This means ViewPager will track the currently visible page, one to the left, and one to the right. The number of tracked pages is always centered around the currently visible page.

Please follow this link for code: http://www.truiton.com/2013/05/android-fragmentpageradapter-example/