Emulator for Android 4.4 KitKat is not starting

FIXI picture FIXI · Nov 18, 2013 · Viewed 37.6k times · Source

I am creating an emulator for Android 4.4 KitKat, but the emulator takes very long and isn't starting. I tried many devices like Nexus4, Galaxy Nexus, Nexus S etc. but none of that worked. Just a black screen with the android logo for long time. Any suggestions?


Boardy picture Boardy · Nov 18, 2013

Unfortunately the emulator does take a very long time to load. A regular complaint amongst Android developers.

It sometimes helps if you go into the AVD configuration and modify your KitKat emulator and tick the checkbox that says Use Host GPU. This makes it slightly faster.

Also I've found that if you use the default RAM space that it decides, usually over 1000, it takes a stupidly long time, if it loads up at all. I usually set mine to 512MB, 700+MB at a push but reducing the amount of RAM that the emulator can have helps.

There is also a different emulator you can use, although it currently doesn't yet support KitKat, although they say its coming soon, I've heard quite a few positive comments.

You can find the alternative emulator at http://www.genymotion.com/


Google have released a new version of the Android Emulator with Android Studio 2. Unfortunately, AS, the build tools and the emulator are in Beta/Release Candidates but I've been using them for a while for my own apps and had no problems, but also found that the emulator is much improved from the old one. http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/emulator will show you what's new and how to get the new emulator.