org.jetbrains? What is it?

Black Magic picture Black Magic · Nov 14, 2013 · Viewed 12.3k times · Source

I recently cloned the ics-openvpn project:

But when I opened the project, it gave me some errors considering these lines not being resolved:

import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;

I tried searching it on the internet, but I got no clear answer. So my question is: What is 'jetbrains'? How do I resolve this?



danilodeveloper picture danilodeveloper · Nov 14, 2013

@Nullable and @NotNull annotations introduced in IntelliJ IDEA for catching NullPointerException's (NPE's) through the Constant Conditions & Exceptions and @Nullable problem inspections.

The org.jetbrains.annotations project is open-source, hosted at GitHub. A few other annotations are included: @Nls & @NonNls for localization, @PropertyKey for resource bundles, and @TestOnly for testing.

To download the library of annotations, see the GitHub page.

