Effect of setting parent view visiblity on its children

Rarw picture Rarw · Nov 4, 2013 · Viewed 12.8k times · Source

This question arises from having to show/hide different views dynamicly. View's have 3 visibility settings - visible, invisible, and gone. If you have a parent view, for example a LinearLayout, that has several child views (doesn't matter what they are) is setting the visibility of the parent the same as seting the visiblity on all the children independently? For example if I say

LinearLayout container = (LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.layout_1);

Is that the same as finding each individual child view and setting all those visiblities to View.GONE? What if the parent was not View.GONE but View.INVISIBLE? Are all the children still drawn but just not seen?


Geobits picture Geobits · Nov 4, 2013

The effect is the same, but it does not actually set the visibility of all the children. It just won't draw them.

For instance:

  1. Set child to GONE (parent is visible, child is gone)

  2. Set parent to GONE (both gone)

  3. Set parent to VISIBLE (parent visible, child still gone, since child was explicitly set before)

  4. Set child to VISIBLE (both visible)

Any time a view is INVISIBLE, it won't draw it or its children. If it's GONE, it also won't reserve any layout space for them. If you check the child's getVisibility() though, you'll see that it's still set to whatever it was before, even if it's not being drawn.