I'm trying to get Genymotion (an x86 Android emulator hosted in Virtualbox) working with Charles proxy. I've managed to connect the device to the proxy in the device's wifi proxy settings, using the gateway ip (the vm is configured to use a host-only adapter fwiw) and http traffic is proxied just fine. I've got the charles cert installed on the vm, but all ssl connections still fail with "SSL: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?" errors. Has anyone been able to configure genymotion to work with Charles as an ssl proxy? Is there a more generic solution I can implement through the virtualbox settings?
Thanks in advance.
Go to your genymotion emulator
Settings -> Wifi -> Press and hold your active network
Select “Modify Network”
Select “Show Advanced Options”
Select “Proxy Settings -> Manual”
Set your Proxy to: (Genymotion’s special code for the local workstation. the Network mode must be NAT on virtual device configuration)
Set your Port to: 8888
Press Save.
Although after this you will see the network requests logged in charlesproxy . Open the genymotion browser and go the following URL http://charlesproxy.com/getssl to download and install the certificate . you should be good to go . Copied from :http://rexstjohn.com/using-genymotion-charles-proxy/