I'm trying to use a BLE module (bluegiga BLE112) with my nexus 4 (android 4.3). I can connect, get the name of the device, connect to GATT, but service discovery fails.
Here's how do the initial gatt connection (which seems to work successfully:
dev.connectGatt(getBaseContext(), true, btGattCB);
Here's the GATT callback:
private BluetoothGattCallback btGattCB = new BluetoothGattCallback() {
public void onConnectionStateChange(BluetoothGatt gatt, int status, int newState) {
super.onConnectionStateChange(gatt, status, newState);
if(newState == BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED){
Log.i(TAG, "Gatt Connected");
else if(newState == BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED){
Log.i(TAG, "Gatt Disconnected");
public void onServicesDiscovered(BluetoothGatt gatt, int status){
Log.i(TAG,"Status onServiceDiscovered: "+status); //status code i'm getting here is 129
List<BluetoothGattService> btServices = gatt.getServices();//try anyway
And Here's my Log:
09-28 12:58:37.611 4118-4130/com.jnewt.btFive I/PDU? Scan Callback
09-28 12:58:37.611 4118-4130/com.jnewt.btFive I/PDU? Device is: 00:07:80:67:2F:63
09-28 12:58:37.611 4118-4130/com.jnewt.btFive I/PDU? Device Name: BGT GPIO Test
09-28 12:58:43.607 4118-4118/com.jnewt.btFive I/PDU? Scan Timeout
09-28 12:59:13.539 4118-4129/com.jnewt.btFive I/PDU? Gatt Connected
09-28 12:59:43.561 4118-4190/com.jnewt.btFive I/PDU? Service Discovery Failed
09-28 12:59:43.581 4118-4130/com.jnewt.btFive I/PDU? Gatt Disconnected
09-28 13:00:00.920 4118-4129/com.jnewt.btFive I/PDU? Gatt Connected
09-28 13:00:30.902 4118-4130/com.jnewt.btFive I/PDU? Service Discovery Failed
09-28 13:00:30.922 4118-4190/com.jnewt.btFive I/PDU? Gatt Disconnected
09-28 13:01:20.265 4118-4129/com.jnewt.btFive I/PDU? Gatt Connected
09-28 13:01:50.277 4118-4190/com.jnewt.btFive I/PDU? Service Discovery Failed
09-28 13:01:50.297 4118-4130/com.jnewt.btFive I/PDU? Gatt Disconnected
09-28 13:01:56.113 4118-4129/com.jnewt.btFive I/PDU? Gatt Connected
09-28 13:02:26.115 4118-4190/com.jnewt.btFive I/PDU? Service Discovery Failed
09-28 13:02:26.125 4118-4130/com.jnewt.btFive I/PDU? Gatt Disconnected
From the https://developer.android.com/reference/android/bluetooth/BluetoothGatt.html page, I don't see 129 mentioned as a possible status (none of the constants match 129).
I'm all out of ideas at this point. I have isolated the issue to the android phone by testing with an similar example for iphone. I've also tried several of the apps available at the play store, and they have a similar issue (can connect, get name, etc, but no services).
Actually got the same errorcode today while testing my App on Nexus 7. My problem was, that I called 2 X Gatt.connect in short time. Maybe this helps you. Be aware, that you don't connect twice in a short time to your sensor device.