Can't import Android project into Eclipse - Finish button doesn't do anything

Max picture Max · Jul 31, 2013 · Viewed 14.1k times · Source

I have downloaded latest ActionBarSherlock and trying to open it in Eclipse.

enter image description here

After pressing Finish button nothing happens. No errors. All buttons work as if I have not pressed Finish button. I can return Back or Refresh or check checkbox.

My path has no spaces.

ActionCarSherlock requires ADT version 0.9.7 but I have found following version of software in eclipse.

Android Development Tools 21.1.0.v201302060044-569685 The Android Open Source Project

PS Eclipse update has not helped me (updating SDK)

PS Android SDK update fixed it


Benito Bertoli picture Benito Bertoli · Jul 31, 2013

I came across this problem yesterday.

I had recently updated the ADT plugin without updating the Android SDK Tools and Platform-tools.

So make sure all of the above are up-to-date.