Android: How to get string in specific locale WITHOUT changing the current locale

schnatterer picture schnatterer · Jul 21, 2013 · Viewed 23.8k times · Source

Use Case: Logging error messages as displayed to the user.

However you don't want to have messages in your log that depend on the locale of the user's device. On the other hand you don't want to change the locale of the user's device just for your (technical) logging. Can this be achieved? I found a couple of potential solutions here on stackoverflow:

However, they all result in changing the locale of my device (until the next configuration change).

Anyway, my current workaround is like so:

public String getStringInDefaultLocale(int resId) {
    Resources currentResources = getResources();
    AssetManager assets = currentResources.getAssets();
    DisplayMetrics metrics = currentResources.getDisplayMetrics();
    Configuration config = new Configuration(
    config.locale = DEFAULT_LOCALE;
     * Note: This (temporiarily) changes the devices locale! TODO find a
     * better way to get the string in the specific locale
    Resources defaultLocaleResources = new Resources(assets, metrics,
    String string = defaultLocaleResources.getString(resId);
    // Restore device-specific locale
    new Resources(assets, metrics, currentResources.getConfiguration());
    return string;

To be honest, I don't like this approach at all. It's not efficient and - thinking about concurrency and all that - it might result in some view in the "wrong" locale.

So - Any ideas? Maybe this could be achieved using ResourceBundles, just like in standard Java?


Khaled Lela picture Khaled Lela · Jan 28, 2017

You can use this for API +17

public static String getStringByLocal(Activity context, int id, String locale) {
    Configuration configuration = new Configuration(context.getResources().getConfiguration());
    configuration.setLocale(new Locale(locale));
    return context.createConfigurationContext(configuration).getResources().getString(id);

Update (1) : How to support old versions.

public static String getStringByLocal(Activity context, int resId, String locale) {
        return getStringByLocalPlus17(context, resId, locale);
        return getStringByLocalBefore17(context, resId, locale);

private static String getStringByLocalPlus17(Activity context, int resId, String locale) {
    Configuration configuration = new Configuration(context.getResources().getConfiguration());
    configuration.setLocale(new Locale(locale));
    return context.createConfigurationContext(configuration).getResources().getString(resId);

private static String getStringByLocalBefore17(Context context,int resId, String language) {
    Resources currentResources = context.getResources();
    AssetManager assets = currentResources.getAssets();
    DisplayMetrics metrics = currentResources.getDisplayMetrics();
    Configuration config = new Configuration(currentResources.getConfiguration());
    Locale locale = new Locale(language);
    config.locale = locale;
 * Note: This (temporarily) changes the devices locale! TODO find a
 * better way to get the string in the specific locale
    Resources defaultLocaleResources = new Resources(assets, metrics, config);
    String string = defaultLocaleResources.getString(resId);
    // Restore device-specific locale
    new Resources(assets, metrics, currentResources.getConfiguration());
    return string;

Update (2): Check this article