Google Map v2 Get Direction Android

Emre Koç picture Emre Koç · Jul 18, 2013 · Viewed 9k times · Source

Can i get direction between 2 points with using Google Maps v2 in my Android application ?

I found Polyline but i don't want to draw a line between 2 points.

I found a solution which is using Intent. It can solve this problem but it is not useful because this solution is starting another map application and I want to show direction in my application. Can i do this ?


Bobbake4 picture Bobbake4 · Jul 18, 2013

You cannot get directions using just the Google Maps V2 api. You should use the Google Directions API direction request call. This will return the raw direction data in json which would allow you to draw a Polyline for the directions on the map or show the data in any format you would like.