I am trying to configure with Gradle a project which contains some external libraries. With Gradle I can setup different Environmental Configuration (with a class inside a config file) for the main application using the Build Variants so I can execute code according to this variables.
The problem is that how I can do the same for a library project? I created this library for this project and I would like to setup different Build Variants for different scenarios.
As an example: In the Library, when running in debug mode, then print all the logs so I can see them while developing. In release mode dont.
Structure of the files:
src ----- > debug -> java -> config -> PlayerEnvConfig
main -> com.mypackagename -> etc...
release -> java -> config -> PlayerEnvConfig
Code in debug: package config;
* Environment configuration for Release
public final class PlayerEnvConfig {
public static final boolean USE_REPORTING = true;
public static final boolean USE_ANALYTICS = true;
public static final boolean USE_LOGGING = false;
public static final boolean USE_DEBUG_LOGGING = false;
public static final boolean USE_DEBUGING = false;
Code in release:
package config;
* Environment configuration for Release
public final class PlayerEnvConfig {
public static final boolean USE_REPORTING = true;
public static final boolean USE_ANALYTICS = true;
public static final boolean USE_LOGGING = false;
public static final boolean USE_DEBUG_LOGGING = false;
public static final boolean USE_DEBUGING = false;
The problem is that for the main project I can use this Build types to configure differently the application for different scenarios, but how can I do the same for the Library Project?
Because at the moment from what I read in http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/new-build-system/user-guide the library only will use the debug mode while testing.
Any ideas?
It's a @bifmadei answer from google code issue and it helps for me:
Obsolete: Try setting this in the dependency project
android {
publishNonDefault true
Update: Starting from gradle 4.10.1 publishNonDefault is true by default. So just use the recommendation below:
Include this in the project that uses it
dependencies {
releaseCompile project(path: ':theotherproject', configuration: 'release')
debugCompile project(path: ':theotherproject', configuration: 'debug')
Taken from here: https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=66805
New approach:
Note that with implementation
instruction separated releaseCompile
and debugCompile
become obsolete: https://stackoverflow.com/a/44364851/3379437
But this approach still can be used with a custom build configuration