cordova create <app_name>
. cordova platform add android
cordova ripple android
.I know from docs that I can setup eclipse and do the build. (I'm not looking for this)
But I cannot create .apk file using the command cordova build android
. When I run the command, there is not output on the command line, the command just finishes. I cannot locate the .apk file.
Is there a way in which I can create an .apk file from command line? (Looking for suggestions for other platforms as well)
You should get a more verbose output by running cordova -d build android
Alternatively, to use the underlying cordova-android scripts to build, you can:
cd platforms/android
OR, to peel away even more layers, you can use the Android ANT script to run the build (which is what the cordova scripts shell out to anyways):
cd platforms/android
ant debug