I want to start an Activity (SECOND Activity) from another Activity (FIRST Activity) by calling startActivity(intent)
. Before I actually do it, I found people say that the lifecycle methods are called in the following order:
FIRST Activity onCreate
FIRST Activity onStart
FIRST Activity onResume
FIRST Activity onPause
SECOND Activity onCreate
SECOND Activity onStart
SECOND Activity onResume
FIRST Activity onStop
Is the SECOND Activity onResume
always called before FIRST Acitivity onStop
? I thought
FIRST Activity onPause
FIRST Activity onStop
SECOND Activity onCreate
SECOND Activity onStart
SECOND Activity onResume
will be called, but it seems not.
Also, if I just switch between two activities,
FIRST Activity onPause
SECOND Activity onRestart
SECOND Activity onStart
SECOND Activity onResume
FIRST Activity onStop
Are the methods always called in this order?
According to the documentation, SECOND.onResume() is supposed to be called before FIRST.onStop() https://developer.android.com/guide/components/activities/activity-lifecycle.html#soafa (Coordinating activities section)