How to set view weights?

kyokotsu picture kyokotsu · May 22, 2013 · Viewed 12.4k times · Source

I'm trying to get the views inside a LinearLayout to fill the width. I have tried setting it by using LayoutParams, but it gave me an error:

My code:

EditText et = new EditText(v.getContext());
                    et.setHint("asset ");
                    et.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(
                            LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, 0.25f));
                    et.setPadding(0, 15, 0, 10);

The error:

The constructor ActionBar.LayoutParams(int, int, float) is undefined


codeMagic picture codeMagic · May 22, 2013

Just what the error says, no ActionBarLayoutParams constructor takes a float. You need one of the available graivty constants for the gravity

But it looks like you are importing the wrong LayoutParams. If this is for a LinearLayout and not ActionBar then you need to be importing LinearLayout.LayoutParams

import android.widget.LinearLayout.LayoutParams

