Can't execute my app in Android SDK with Titanium Studio 3.1.0

Stéphane Demarche picture Stéphane Demarche · Apr 29, 2013 · Viewed 8.1k times · Source

I'm on iMac with X.8.3 and i'm trying to make my test application working with Titanium Studio and Android SDK 2.2, the apps works on iPhone Simulator but not on Android.

Here is the terminal error when trying to execute the app in Android Emulator

"[INFO] logfile = /Users/*****/Documents/Titanium_Studio_Workspace/Geocoder/build.log

[ERROR] :  Build process exited with code 1

[ERROR] :  Project failed to build after 208ms

[ERROR] :  Emulator process exited with code 1"

and the log file says the same.

I've tried the android emulator with Eclipse and it works pretty well!

On the Dashboard page of Titanium Studio the icon of Android SDK stay in Red, it says

"Android configuration details. One or more pieces are missing from the Android SDK. It may be that the Android SDK is already installed and Titanium Studio cannot locate the directory, or it may be that some additional components need to be installed.

Items required:

An Android SDK is missing. Titanium requires Android platform 2.2.* Add-On Google APIs version 8"

I've already tryied to remove and install it all 2 times and it doesn't change anything.

In the preferences of Titanium / Studio / Plateforms / Android it's seems to be Ok with the android sdk, the dropdown android sdk sees 3 versions of android 4.2.2 and Google API.


beeman picture beeman · May 1, 2013

I just had the same problem while trying to start the Kitchen Sink app. In my case the problem was that tiapp.xml referred to and Android SDK that was not installed on my machine.

I changed the SDK version number in these lines from 11 to 14

<uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion="14"/>

Another possible option would be to install the SDK version that is called in tiapp.xml.