I've searched on the web and couldn't find the answer to my question. My problem is to get the battery level information only once, eg. calling the function getBatteryLevel()
. There are only solutions which are implemented using BroadcastReceiver
, but as I know it will be called every time on battery level's change event. Please, tell me how can I get that information only once?
broadcast is what's known as a "sticky broadcast." Because this is sticky, you can register for the broadcast with a null receiver which will only get the battery level one time when you call registerReceiver
A function to get the battery level without receiving updates would look something like this:
public float getBatteryLevel() {
Intent batteryIntent = registerReceiver(null, new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED));
int level = batteryIntent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_LEVEL, -1);
int scale = batteryIntent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_SCALE, -1);
// Error checking that probably isn't needed but I added just in case.
if(level == -1 || scale == -1) {
return 50.0f;
return ((float)level / (float)scale) * 100.0f;
More data can be pulled from this sticky broadcast. Using the returned batteryIntent
you can access other extras as outlined in the BatteryManager