I am creating a Android app. This Android App will have objects that are dynamic. These objects are Places with a Address or Lat/Long, and distance from current location, and a ETA. What I would like to do is add with objects on a TableLayout
with borders, but I need to be able to dynamically add rows as the number of places increase.
I understand somewhat how to do this for a fixed hardcoded number of items on the xml, but what would be the best way when the number of objects is coming from the Activity.java file?
Below is a screenshot of the TableLayout
I would like:
So the object would be a place with a address, distance and direction.
but I need to be able to dynamically add rows as the number of places increase.
This isn't difficult, when you have a new object append a TableRow
with the data to the TableLayout
I understand somewhat how to do this for a fixed hardcoded number of items on the xml, but what would be the best way when the number of objects is coming from the Activity.java file?
I don't think there is a best way (or what you consider best way). You either:
Some examples for your image:
private static final int DIVIDER_SIZE = 2;
// rowsCount the number of rows to add to the TableLayout
private void buildOldSchool(TableLayout table, int rowsCount) {
View divider;
for (int i = 0; i < rowsCount; i++) {
TableRow row = new TableRow(this);
for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) {
if (j % 2 == 0) {
divider = new View(this);
divider.setLayoutParams(new TableLayout.LayoutParams(
DIVIDER_SIZE, TableLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT));
row.addView(divider, new TableRow.LayoutParams(
TextView tv = new TextView(this);
tv.setText("DX"); // dummy data
row.addView(tv, new TableRow.LayoutParams(
divider = new View(this);
divider.setLayoutParams(new TableLayout.LayoutParams(
TableLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, DIVIDER_SIZE));
if (i == 0) {
divider = new View(this);
divider.setLayoutParams(new TableLayout.LayoutParams(
TableLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, DIVIDER_SIZE));
(2) or with images:
private void buildWithDrawables(TableLayout table, int rowsCount) {
for (int i = 0; i < rowsCount; i++) {
TableRow row = new TableRow(this);
row.setBackgroundResource(i == 0 ? R.drawable.firstrow
: R.drawable.normalrow);
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
TextView tv = new TextView(this);
tv.setBackgroundResource(j == 2 ? R.drawable.extra
: R.drawable.cell);
row.addView(tv, new TableRow.LayoutParams(
Where the images are:
(a visually transparent drawable which replicates the nine-patch above):
Ignore my design skills.
If your foresee a large number of rows I would advise you to use a ListView
, which you could pretty easy make it to look like a table with borders.