mainly, i have loged into facebook using webview. so, i don't know which cookies for which urls are saved into CookieManager. i don't know whether it is possible or not, but i have know idea how to do it.
now, i need to get a page using Jsoup. but i need to pass some cookie also to get the page, otherwise server will return me an error pager.
i want it with Jsoup, because i need some information from the page
i have trying something like this, but all the time i am getting the error page:
Map<String, String> cookies = new HashMap<String, String>();
cookies.put(domain1, my_cookie1);
cookies.put(domain2, my_cookie2);
cookies.put(domain3, my_cookie3);
cookies.put(domain4, my_cookie4);
Document doc = Jsoup.connect(uri.toString())
Log.e("title", doc.title());
's are get from CookieManager. and they are not null, because i have printed them.
i think the problem is with cookies. or not? is there any solution. i think i am missing some cookie from CookieManager.
i need to get the page.
or, is it possible to pass the cookimanager to Jsoup ? so, that it can take the cookie from cookiemanager directly. or, can i know which cookies are needed for getting my desire page?
i have solve the problem. first of all i was getting the right cookie all time. so what was the problem then. either i was wrong to integrate the cookie with Jsoup
or Jsoup was doing something wrong. so, first i have get the page with HttpUrlConnection
and then parse it with Jsoup. like this:
URL form = new URL(uri.toString());
HttpUrlConnection connection1 = (HttpURLConnection)form.openConnection();
connection1.setRequestProperty("Cookie", my_cookie);
StringBuilder whole = new StringBuilder();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(new BufferedInputStream(connection1.getInputStream())));
String inputLine;
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(whole.toString());
any advice about this code would be appreciated.