I have an activity showing a few fragments. Activity view contains only ViewPager initialized with custom FragmentPagerAdapter. This adapter provide navigation among 3 fragments.
All seems to work fine except Action bar.
I override onCreateOptionsMenu() method in my fragments to create individual Action bar for any fragment:
@Override public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) { super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu, inflater); menu.clear();
//fragment specific menu creation
When I do swipe, new fragment appears, but Action bar stay the same for a few seconds. Probably after a few seconds this method are called and Action bar get changed.
This looks pretty bad when action bar are changed in a while after swipe is finished. How can I recreate action bar immediately, before swipe begin?
You can ask android to re-create the actionbar before it automatically does by calling invalidateOptionsMenu();
Do this somewhere close to the point where you change fragments to try and decrease the 'lag' between the fragment and actionbar changing.
a complete solution may look like this:
class activity extends Activity{
private void switchFragment(){
...do fragment changing stuff
class someFragment extends Fragment{
public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater)
super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu, inflater);
//fragment specific menu creation
whichever fragment is open during the
will then call its
and you can do fragment specific menu creation in there