How can i add facebook SDK to android project?

mertaydin picture mertaydin · Jan 17, 2013 · Viewed 28.9k times · Source

I'm trying to add facebook SDK to android project but I'm unable to add it, I couldn't do it. My project has one package and there are 8-10 packages in it so where can I add facebook SDK?

I searched a lot on the web but couldn't find good solution.


Virag Brahme picture Virag Brahme · Jan 25, 2013

Following are the steps to include Facebook SDK into android project:

1) Download the Facebook SDK from the and extract it to local drive.

2) Import "facebook" as a android project into your Eclipse, this is your Facebook SDK, and You have to reference it to your android project.

3) Now create your android project.

4) Right click on it, go to Properties-->android and Add the "facebook "Library as a reference to your project. click Apply.

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