Devices with Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean) supported Bluetooth low energy (BLE)

gran33 picture gran33 · Jan 2, 2013 · Viewed 19.2k times · Source

Which Android (with Jelly Bean, 4.2) devices support Bluetooth low energy (BLE)? Does Samsung Galaxy S III support it?

(This question came up after reading the blog post Bluetooth 4.0 on Galaxy S3.)


dgel picture dgel · Jan 2, 2013

I believe that currently only the Motorola RAZR has BLE support (because Motorola provides their own BLE library to developers). The S3 does not support BLE (drivers / API not available).

This letter from the COOKOO watch project describes Android's Bluetooth 4.0 disaster well.

Additionally, this issue has become the unofficial venting / complaining forum for developers. There are occasionally some useful updates there.


Bluetooth low energy is now officially supported in Android 4.3 (API 18). Check the developer's guide here.