I want to generate an new ".apk" file on the phone (a function in my app-market like app), and I have to sign it before install it. I think I have to run the JarSigner on the phone.
JarSigner is found in the following two project: OpenJDK and GCC-libjava.
I have tried to include OpenJDK.jar I downloaded from Internet but it doesn't have JarSigner class in it.
I also have tried to add JarSigner.java from OpenJDK source to my Android APP Project, but the dependencies are way too much. Same with JarSigner.java from GCC-LibJAVA.
it's too difficult to implement a new JarSigner for Android.
If you want to create .apk using your phone , have a look at this :
JavaIDEdroid allows you to create native Android applications on Android devices.