Tabs + ViewPager + FragmentStatePagerAdapter - How to remove fragment?

Lior Iluz picture Lior Iluz · Nov 19, 2012 · Viewed 10.2k times · Source

I'm using the "Tabs + Swipe" project and I'm having a difficult time removing a fragment.

Steps I'm doing:

  1. Remove tab from database
  2. Remove tab from the FragmentStatePagerAdapter data source
  3. Remove tab from the actionBar.
  4. Remove fragment using Support FragmentManager.

The problem: After I perform the remove, for some reason, I can still scroll to the right and see an empty fragment. I can't select it, it just bounces back. It seems like the fragment is not being removed but rather changes its position to the tag from the left.

My Adapter:

public class SectionsPagerAdapter extends FragmentStatePagerAdapter {

        public SectionsPagerAdapter(FragmentManager fm) {

        public Fragment getItem(int position) {
            Fragment fragment = new TabFragment();

            Bundle args = new Bundle();
            args.putInt(TabFragment.ARG_TAB_POSITION, position);

            return fragment;

        public int getCount() {
            return tabsList.size();

        public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) {
            return tabsList.get(position).getTitle();

        public void destroyItem(ViewGroup container, int position, Object object) {
            super.destroyItem(container, position, object);
            FragmentManager manager = ((Fragment)object).getFragmentManager();
   trans = manager.beginTransaction();

My remove method (called from within the fragment):

public void removeTab() {
            mTabTableHandler.deleteTab(tab.getId()); //db
            tabsList.remove(tabPosition); //data source
            actionBar.removeTabAt(tabPosition); // actionbar

            getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().remove(this).commit(); // support fragmentmanager

            tabsList = mTabTableHandler.query(); //requery db
            mSectionsPagerAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); //notify adapter

Appreciate the help!


Tal Kanel picture Tal Kanel · Nov 20, 2012

you can find the answer here - Remove Fragment Page from ViewPager in Android

it seems what missing in your code is overwriting of the following adapter's method:

public int getItemPosition(Object object){
    return PagerAdapter.POSITION_NONE;

explanation why such "weird" solution works you can find in the answer to the question in the link I provided you.