I plan on publishing my app on Amazon app store as well as Google Play, and have some things in my app that need to behave slightly different depending on whether the app was installed from Amazon app store or not. If I understood the PackageManager.getInstallerPackageName(String packageName)
method correctly, it tells me the name of the application that installed my app. Right? If so, does anyone know what the value returned by this method would be if my app was installed from Amazon app store? If not, does anyone know any other methods I can use to determine whether my app was installed from the Amazon app store?
Note: I am aware of other questions on Stack Overflow which have been answered alluding to the usage of
PackageManager.getInstallerPackageName(String packageName)
to determine the name of the application that installed my app. However, searching Stack Overflow and elsewhere, I have not been able to determine what the value returned byPackageManager.getInstallerPackageName(String packageName)
would be in case the app was installed from the Amazon app store.
Since samsung has not implemented the PackageManager.getInstallerPackageName(), it still returns null. So use the PackageManager.getInstalledPackages() to get all the packages and search for the samsungapp packagename "com.sec.android.app.samsungapps".
null - developer
com.android.vending - google play
com.amazon.venezia - amazon app
com.sec.android.app.samsungapps - samsung app store
// lets start with google play store link
String link = "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hellothupten.capital2countryquiz";
//find out the installer for your app package name.
String installer = getPackageManager().getInstallerPackageName(
if (installer == null) {
List<PackageInfo> installedPackages = getPackageManager()
for (PackageInfo p : installedPackages) {
if (p.packageName.contains("samsungapps")) {
// change to samsung app store link
link = "http://apps.samsung.com/mars/topApps/topAppsDetail.as?productId=000000840239";
} else if (installer.contains("amazon")) {
// change to amazon app store link
link = "amzn://apps/android?p=com.hellothupten.capital2countryquiz";
} else if (installer.contains("samsung")) {
// change to samsung app store link. This does not
// exist..but who knows samsung may implement
// getInstallerPackageName in future, I assume it will
// contain a word samsung in its package name.
link = "http://apps.samsung.com/mars/topApps/topAppsDetail.as?productId=000000840239";
Use the link variable as the store link.
Samsung: http://developer.samsung.com/android/technical-docs/Samsung-Apps-Deeplink-Guide