I am using PopupWindow with showAsDropDown(anchor). When the anchor is at the top of the screen it works fine, but when at the bottom of the screen nothing shows up. According to the documentation for PopupWindow.showAsDropDown() this should work:
"Display the content view in a popup window anchored to the bottom-left corner of the anchor view. If there is not enough room on screen to show the popup in its entirety, this method tries to find a parent scroll view to scroll. If no parent scroll view can be scrolled, the bottom-left corner of the popup is pinned at the top left corner of the anchor view."
Presumably, the popup is always anchored to the bottom-left corner of the anchor view. How do I fix this?
You can try this .. may be it helps
mWindow.showAtLocation(mRootView, Gravity.BOTTOM|Gravity.LEFT, 0, distanceFromTop);