Possible Duplicate:
Android XML Percent Symbol
hi mate i have an array in file xml:
<string-array name="type_data_graph">
<item>Veichle speed (Km/h)</item>
<item>Engine Rpm (rpm)</item>
<item>Barometric pressure (kPa absolute)</item>
<item>Fuel pressure (kPa)</item>
<item>Fuel Rail pressure of manifold vacuum (kPa)</item>
<item>Fuel Rail pressure diesel/gasoline (kPa)</item>
<item>MAF air flow rate (grams/sec)</item>
<item>Intake MAP (kPa)</item>
<item>Engine % torque (%) </item>
when commpile i get error on
<item>Engine % torque (%) </item>
the error is
Description Resource Path Location Type error: Multiple substitutions specified in non-positional format; did you mean to add the formatted="false" attribute? arrays.xml /DashboardDroid/res/values line 43 Android AAPT Problem
Description Resource Path Location Type error: Found tag where is expected arrays.xml /DashboardDroid/res/values line 43 Android AAPT Problem what means ??? i close all tag