How can i turn off 3G/Data programmatically on Android?

chuyitox picture chuyitox · Sep 21, 2012 · Viewed 46.5k times · Source

How can I turn off 3G/Data programmatically on Android?

Not Wifi, but 3G/Data.


Raghav Sood picture Raghav Sood · Sep 21, 2012

There is no official way to do this. However, it can be achieved unofficially with reflection.

For Android 2.3 and above:

private void setMobileDataEnabled(Context context, boolean enabled) {
    final ConnectivityManager conman = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
    final Class conmanClass = Class.forName(conman.getClass().getName());
    final Field iConnectivityManagerField = conmanClass.getDeclaredField("mService");
    final Object iConnectivityManager = iConnectivityManagerField.get(conman);
    final Class iConnectivityManagerClass = Class.forName(iConnectivityManager.getClass().getName());
    final Method setMobileDataEnabledMethod = iConnectivityManagerClass.getDeclaredMethod("setMobileDataEnabled", Boolean.TYPE);

    setMobileDataEnabledMethod.invoke(iConnectivityManager, enabled);

This also requires the following permission.

 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE"/>

For Android 2.2 and below:

Method dataConnSwitchmethod;
Class telephonyManagerClass;
Object ITelephonyStub;
Class ITelephonyClass;

TelephonyManager telephonyManager = (TelephonyManager) context

if(telephonyManager.getDataState() == TelephonyManager.DATA_CONNECTED){
    isEnabled = true;
    isEnabled = false;  

telephonyManagerClass = Class.forName(telephonyManager.getClass().getName());
Method getITelephonyMethod = telephonyManagerClass.getDeclaredMethod("getITelephony");
ITelephonyStub = getITelephonyMethod.invoke(telephonyManager);
ITelephonyClass = Class.forName(ITelephonyStub.getClass().getName());

if (isEnabled) {
    dataConnSwitchmethod = ITelephonyClass
} else {
    dataConnSwitchmethod = ITelephonyClass

This required the following permission:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE" />

Note that both of these are unofficial and may no longer work. No more proof of this kind of thing breaking should be needed, as the 2.2 and below method broke on 2.3.