I am making an app that does not require a user account/login, and allows the user to purchase a subscription. I want to use the Google Play Developer API to verify whether or not a user has a purchased/active subscription. From all of the documentation, I've gathered the following steps.
Are they correct, and could you answer the two questions in them?
Also, I have a web service, though I know nothing about web services or web service programming... I only know enough to be aware that it is probably necessary to use here.
EDIT: These steps were not correct. See my answer below for the correct steps. However, note that this only applies to using a service account (because I did not want to require a user to have to explicitly allow API access)
As it turns out, my steps were not correct. It took me weeks to figure this out and it doesn't seem to be documented anywhere else. You're welcome:
Create a Web Application account in the Google APIs Console. Put any website as a "redirect URI"; it doesn't matter since you will not really be using it. You will get a client id and client secret when you create the account.
In a browser on your computer go to https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?scope=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/androidpublisher&response_type=code&access_type=offline&redirect_uri=[YOUR REDIRECT URI]&client_id=[YOUR CLIENT ID]
and allow access when prompted.
Look in the address bar. At the end of the URI you entered originally will be your refresh token. It looks like 1/....
You will need this "code" in the next step. The refresh token never expires.
Convert this "code" to a "refresh token" by going to https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token?client_id=[YOUR CLIENT ID]&client_secret=[YOUR CLIENT SECRET]&code=[CODE FROM PREVIOUS STEP]&grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=[YOUR REDIRECT URI]
. You can save the resulting value right in your program; it never expires unless explicitly revoked. (this step inserted by @BrianWhite -- see comments)
Make sure you are using POST.(inserted by Gintas)
In your code, send an HttpPost request to https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token
with the BasicNameValuePairs "grant_type","refresh_token"
, "client_id",[YOUR CLIENT ID]
, "client_secret",[YOUR CLIENT SECRET]
, "refresh_token",[YOUR REFRESH TOKEN]
. For an example look here. You will need to do this in a separate thread, probably using AsyncTask. This will return a JSONObject.
Get the access token from the returned JSONObject. For an example look here. You will need to get the string "access_token". The access token expires in 1 hour.
In your code, send an HttpGet request to https://www.googleapis.com/androidpublisher/v1/applications/[YOUR APP'S PACKAGE NAME]/subscriptions/[THE ID OF YOUR PUBLISHED SUBSCRIPTION FROM YOUR ANDROID DEVELOPER CONSOLE]/purchases/[THE PURCHASE TOKEN THE USER RECEIVES UPON PURCHASING THE SUBSCRIPTION]?accesstoken="[THE ACCESS TOKEN FROM STEP 4]"
. For an example look here.