Android EditText Max Length

Jon Wei picture Jon Wei · Aug 23, 2012 · Viewed 111.5k times · Source

I set up a max length of text in an EditText field.

            android:gravity="left|top" >

The problem for me however is, that, text STOPS appearing after 140 characters, but it still continues to type, except that text just doesn't appear, but however, it does appear in the "buffer" (meaning the suggestion thing) if that's what you would call it.

As a side note, I am using a TextWatcher to keep track of the limit. Is there any way to completely limit the amount of text, so that when there are 140 characters, nothing happens when something other than backspace/delete is pressed?


Ushal Naidoo picture Ushal Naidoo · Aug 23, 2012

Possible duplicate of Limit text length of EditText in Android

Use android:maxLength="140"

That should work. :)

Hope that helps