How to get a list of backstack fragment entries in android?

Harshal Kshatriya picture Harshal Kshatriya · Aug 18, 2012 · Viewed 44.1k times · Source

I'm working on an application in which tabs are implemented using FragmentActivity. Since, tabs are required throughout the application, fragments are used extensively to make the application compatible on all the versions of android.

As a consequence, I'm facing a problem in visualizing as to what fragments are present on the backstack. I'm sure there is a way to retrieve the list of fragments present on the backstack. Thanks.


Error 454 picture Error 454 · Aug 18, 2012

The FragmentManager has methods:


getBackStackEntryAt (int index)

FragmentManager fm = getFragmentManager();

for(int entry = 0; entry < fm.getBackStackEntryCount(); entry++){
   Log.i(TAG, "Found fragment: " + fm.getBackStackEntryAt(entry).getId());