Reduce the background noise when recording in android

Aashutosh Shrivastava picture Aashutosh Shrivastava · Aug 2, 2012 · Viewed 8.6k times · Source

I have developed a app which record the sound & play at same time approximate 100ms delay by using audio track & audio record class in android. But the played audio have lot of background noise. So there is any way in android to reduce the background noise while playing.

Please don't tell me used to Audacity Software for reduce the noise because i am not saving the recorded audio. I am just save it in a buffer & play this buffer by audio track.Cab be implemented a filter to reduce the background noise in android using NDK.


bond picture bond · Nov 27, 2013

The simple thing to do is play the audio back using the voice setting. It will filter out most of the "hum" noise. AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL. You can use the NoiseSupression filter if available. NoiseSuppressor.create(device.getAudioSessionId());