Sherlock Action Bar with Sliding menu

Alex picture Alex · Aug 1, 2012 · Viewed 18k times · Source

I'm making a view and an activity extending SherlockMapActivity and using SlidingMenu libraries to make my main view to scroll like Google+ does. I've added the SlidingMenu by XML and my view scrolls perfectly showing the hidden menu but it only scrolls the view below the action bar. In Google+ app it also scrolls the action bar and I've seen there's a function for making my action bar sliding enabled but it does not work.

What would be the best way to make my action bar sliding with the full view? Maybe I'm not extending the correct class?

This is how I add the SlidingMenu to my app:

XML File:


And this is the result:

Main Layout Screenshot


Alex picture Alex · Aug 2, 2012

I've solved my problem.

In order to make my Action Bar to Slide, I had to modify the SlidingMenu this way:

  1. Checkout a clean copy of ActionBarSherlock and import into your Eclipse workspace.
  2. Add ActionBarSherlock as a dependency to SlidingMenu.
  3. Go into the SlidingActivities that you plan on using make them extend Sherlock__Activity instead of __Activity.

Then I extended my MainActivity from SlidingMapActivity and it worked perfectly.