Why am I getting: threadid=3: reacting to signal 3 and game freeze (AndEngine)?

rphello101 picture rphello101 · Jul 3, 2012 · Viewed 20.5k times · Source

I'm using AndEngine to make a game that deals with a lot of moving sprites. It's inconsistant when, but eventually I get a message in the log cat (threadid=3: reacting to signal 3) and the game freezes. What does this error mean? I've narrowed down in the code where it happens (it's marked):

private void levelComplete(){
        runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                 Toast.makeText(TestGFX5Activity.this, "Level Complete", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        Log.e("Level Complete","Going to reset values");
        //Reset values
        fillerCount = (originalNumberOfFillers + level - 1);
        fillAreaPercent = 0;

        //Rid scene of sprites
        for(int x=0;x<=fillerNum;x++){  
        levelText.setText("Level: "+Integer.toString(level));
        fillersLeftText.setText("Balls left: "+Integer.toString(fillerCount));
        fillerNum = -1;

        Log.e("Level Complete","values reset");

        randx = random.nextInt(650) + 25;
        randy = random.nextInt(400) + 25;
        randix = random.nextInt(10);
        randiy = random.nextInt(10);
            ix = 5;
            ix = -5;
            iy = 5;
            iy = -5;

        Log.e("Level Complete","Creating destroyer"); //This line executes
        destroyer = new Ball(randx, randy, destroyerTR, getVertexBufferObjectManager(), ix, iy); //Code breaks here (*sometimes*)
        Log.e("Level Complete","complete"); //This line does not

The weirdest thing is that the code works like 4/5 times (I can usually level up 3 or 4 times, and up to 9 times) before it crashes. I'm not sure what causes it. Anyone have any ideas?


Andr&#233; Oriani picture André Oriani · Jul 25, 2012

When an ANR condition happens, the Android Runtime send signal 3 to all dalvik VMs in order to cause them to dump their stack traces to generate the ANR report. The dump of strack trace will cause dalvik to momentarily suspend your app.

I suggest you to look on the logcat (event and main buffers) for ANRs. Also check /data/anr for the ANR traces to check what is causing the problem.