Android: LoaderCallbacks.OnLoadFinished called twice

LukaszS picture LukaszS · Jul 2, 2012 · Viewed 19.5k times · Source

I noticed strange situation using Android Loaders and Fragments. When I invoke LoaderManager.initLoader() after orientation change onLoadFinished is not called (although documentation suggests I should be prepared for this) but it is called twice after this. Here is link to post in google groups which describe the same situation!topic/android-developers/aA2vHYxSskU . I wrote sample application in which I only init simple Loader in Fragment.onActivityCreated() to check if this happens and it does. Anyone noticed this?


Bogdan Zurac picture Bogdan Zurac · Jan 25, 2013

You can put the initLoader() method inside your Fragment's onResume() callback; then the Loader's onLoadFinished() will not be called twice anymore.

public void onResume()
    getLoaderManager().initLoader(0, null, this);