If i click fast to my button in my Android app, it seems that code behind it runs twice. If i click my menu button twice the activity that has to be launch onclick just starts twice and i have to quit from it twice.
This is really annoying because if i click too fast for menu buttons i can load up a whole bunch of activities in the background and i must quit them one by one, so this is clearly a buggy state of my app i want to fix this.
What can i do with this issue?
I use simple onClickListeners and Buttons
Regarding to answers and comments my menu buttons look like this:
top20Button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener()
public void onClick(View v)
Intent i = new Intent();
i.putExtra("showDialog", false);
i.setClass(Search.this, Top20.class);
After all this correction its still the same :S When i click like a mad person multiple activites are on the history stack and i must quit multiple times.
Any suggestions ? What m i doing wrong?
You can use following code: btn.setEnabled(false);
btn.setOnclickListener(new View.onClickListener(){
public void onClick(View v) {